7 May 2013

Le Girlfriends, I love you :*

Assalamualaikum and hello everyoneeee !
Happy Tuesday, happy happy :)

Last weekend, time spent well with Girlfriends at Port Dickson. Alhamdulillah :)
When people are busy with General Election 13, we're busy with our Annual Reunion 2. Hik3

Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah.
Thanks Allah for letting us met and gathered and enjoyed this awesome reunion.
Thanks Allah for made it run smoothly, Alhamdulillah :)

We made it for two days one night. 4th-5th May 2013. 
We stayed at Homestay Fatin, Teluk Kemang. We could say that's the best homestay because it's comfortable, fully-furnished and the price quite reasonable. 

Syeda, Dot, Niesa, Tim, Anis, Erza, Iqa, Efa, Nik and little girlfriend Farah.
We gathered and before we did anything, we already burst into laughters. Riuh-rendah dengan suara masing-masing. Mohon maaf terhadap warga jiran tetangga Taman Politeknik. Hahaha

My first activity is cooking Mihun Singapore for our tea-time. Eceh :P
While Dot, Tim and Niesa helping me, yang lain pergi shopping for another groceries.
Great cooperation indeed, hahaha :P

Erza warned me before she go, "Aku tahu aku balik nanti kau siap masak mihun singapore ni !"
Aummmmm big boss dah warning ! At last, sampai mihun dah sejuk pulak aihh baru lah balik joyah-joyah sekalian. Alhamdulillah, habis licin jugak tapi sorry Erza sebab pedas sikit sambal kicap tu. Orang noghoghi yang masak pulak kan. Kui3

Before and after tea-time :*
Thanks Girlfriends :)

After tea-time, I continued with next recipe, Spaghetti Bolognese for Dot's birthday party.
No photo for spaghetti because we're too excited to eat, am I right girlfriends ? Hahaha

We had picnic at Pantai Saujana. Nice place, nice lighting.
We did a birthday celebration for Dot and birthday prank for her.
Sorry Dot, setahun sekali kita semua gurau kasar macam ni :P
Alhamdulillah, everything went well and Dot terharu sangat sangat sangat.
Bagus jugak orang yang blur-blur ni kan, senang nak prank. Tapi prank for good lah. Not a bad prank. Kan kan kan ? Mesti Dot ingat her 20th birthday celebration + prank kan.
Happy belated birthday Dot :* Love ya :)

An advance cupcakes for Dot's birthday :)

Birthdaygirl wearing blue scarf but what's wrong with me ? :O

Nice pic kena tiup dengan bayu laut. Uuuuuu

Us :)

Perut pun kenyang dengan spaghetti and haus pun hilang dengan koktel made by Anis and Erza and Efa and Nik. Done with Dot's birthday prank, balik untuk tidur lah. Penat but really enjoyed most of the time. I just cant brain why me and Dot boleh pulak wrestling tarik-tarik tudung and plastik tepung. Just give me a reason? Hahaha

For the next day, seawal selepas Subuh dapur homestay tu dah berasap dah. Sebabnya bakal2 isteri mithali preparing for breakfast. They made aiskrim goreng, sandwiches, nuggets. Konyang den. 
Next agenda is mandi manda at Teluk Kemang. 
We really enjoyed the day, especially naik Banana Boat and berendam dalam laut.
Pagi-pagi lagi kitorang dah kecoh2 dekat pantai tu. Haa laa sebab orang ramai kecoh2 nak mengundi beratur sampai kat pagar sekolah, kitorang bising2 laa kat tepi pantai. 
Orang lain pun pandang kitorang macam tak pernah nampak orang. Aneh bukan? Hahaha

Girlfriends' breakfast menu :)

We are champion ! Ahh ini semua pocoyo ! Hahaha

Happy faces on the boat :P

Happy faces again yang komplot dengan abang botak tu :P

We did it ! Thanks girlfriends for support me and Anis. Haha

Matahari dah mula nak terpacak naik atas kepala. We should go back to homestay. Orang pun dah ramai datang ni. Kemas kemas homestay, siap-siapkan diri then time for us to back home. Before we back to home, we had lunch together at Pantai Saujana. We ended our reunion there. 

Hard to say goodbye, but this is for a while. Insya Allah, we'll meet again next year.
Girlfriends are like siblings. We're cool liddat.
Much more and more and more thanks to Girlfriends for made this reunion as an awesome event, Alhamdulillah.

I really enjoyed our moment together. I'm happy for the new memory we created together.
Mark the date as our happy moment :)
Pray to Allah, bless us always.
Thanks Allah for our silaturrahim.
Girls, make sure we're contacting each other.
I'm looking forward for our next holiday trip, Insya Allah :)

Take care Girlfriends :*
Live happily, smile always and keep contacting with each other.
Thanks for everything.
I'm so glad to have great friends like all of you.
Be happy, be awesome, stay pretty stay positive !
May Allah bless us always. 
Lots of love from me, <3 <3 <3

21 Mar 2013

Old Day of Awesome Ladayyyy

Bukan sengaja aku berniat jahat untuk ingin berada di atas talian dikala kau sedang diulit lena mimpi berat aku turun ke 47kg.
Tetapi nawaitu ku cuma satu. Ya cuma satu. Iaitu satu.

Happy birthday Mas Idayu ! *eee tak selesa panggil nama penuh*

Happy birthday Mas Gondol ! *hek eleh. common sangat ni*

Happy birthday Bondaaaaaaaa ! Haaa baru happening !!!
Happy 20th birthday ! Happy tua !
You dah 20. Seangkatan dengan Leopardies yang lain except for me :P

Semoga sentiasa dipermudahkan segalanya dalam menempuh kehidupan sementara di dunia.
Semoga lebih matang dalam menempuh dunia 20-an.
Semoga success *Dean List* like always ! Ehem !
Semoga menjadi the only one anak solehah kepada MekNah and Pak Saleh
Semoga cepat  kawen ! Okay the end ! Hahaha

All the best for you my dearest !
Always be the Hero !\
Hero Mesti Menang ! *haaa gitewwww*

Eppy Eday Enek !

Tahun lepas mandi dengan my secret recipe of delicious sauce but this year you got choc cake and my new adik yang lagi muda dari Ichi and Buncit. Hello Simon ! *lelambai*

*sebut title tu dengan gaya gedik amat tau !

23 Feb 2013

First Meet Up with Kakak :)

Assalamualaikum and hello everyoneeee :) 
Happy Saturday :)

Last Wednesday, I went to LCCT Sepang to meet up Kakak. This was our first meet up since been two years contacting via Facebook and phone. We have planned many times to meet up but then Allah did not give His permission, so that's it. At last, we met up at LCCT because she gonna fly fly away from Malaysia. 

Before Kakak arrived, me was so double triple excited. Hahahahaha.
But why ???
Because there were too many many many pilots and pramugaras yang handsome comey lotey aihhh. 
Suddenly teringatkan Adam dalam citer Adam Hawa tu. *ehemmm*
Kena sedar diri yang dalam hati ni dah ada yang bermastautin. Hewhewhew 
Dah sorang sorang kat situ giler tak melting.

Masuk surau untuk Zohor prayer then keluar surau TER cuci mata sana sini.
Ini takleh jadi ni kena pakai spec ni. 
Berlarutan sampai ke Asar. Masuk surau untuk solat but keluar surau dengan wearing spec.
Baru terjaga sikit pemandangan. Hahahaha.
But slap my face hardly ! Syeda dah buat dosa cuci mata je kejenyer. Ish ish ishhh :/

By 5.30 pm, Kakak safely arrived from KL Central.
Nervous tahap sampai ke tulang sum sum. 

Then, first met first eye to eye first face to face :D
Here she is from back view,


We had short conversation only because lacking of time.
Sempat jugak lah makan cookies Pemes Emes orang KL belanja. 
And normally, setiap pertemuan pastinya ada perpisahan.
Sama ada perpisahan sementara atau selamanya, wallahualam.

Thanks so much Kakak for sudi met up Syeda :)
Sorry sebab Syeda balik dulu and tak tunggu sampai akak masuk departure hall.
As I said, Syeda still tak tunjukkan belang aumm aumm Syeda lagi. 
Hahahaha :P

Till we meet again, Kakak 

Makan kasi berisi sikit :P

Take care Kakak 

22 Feb 2013

February's Babies :)

Assalamualaikum and hello everyoneeee :)

Happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday 
Maisarah on 4th Feb and Mira on 20th Feb :)

Happy 20th birthday and for Mira your date of birth is same as your new age. Kekeke :P

Maisarah and me :)

Mira :)

I wish all the best for both of you. May Allah bless both of you.
Stay awesome stay pretty stay crazy stay hungry !
May both of you have a great future ahead. Insya Allah :)

Forget me not. If you do forget me, there's no more Syeda on this Earth :'( 

Important things that you guys should know, I'm so thankful, Alhamdulillah for having you guys as my girlfriends.
I love both of you, Mas and Raf too.
You guys always cheered me up with melatah, going to mamak in the middle of night, parody videos and of course all the crazy things that we did altogether.

♥ ♥ 

My feeling to all of you right now just can't be described by words.
I love you, girlfriends !
Btw, I love Pipo too ! Kehkehkeh *nak jugak love pipo*

Even we're far apart, always keep in your mind that Syeda Cantek always be with all of you.
Wherever we are, we are Leopardies 

14 Feb 2013

Terendakians 7th Anniversary Batch 2006-2010

Assalamualaikum and hello everyone :)

Happy 7th Anniversary for Terendakians batch 06-13 :)
May Allah bless us.
May our friendship remains till our last breath.
Alhamdulillah, I'm glad to meet all of you. Thank you for all the memories.

Nilai persahabatan yang terjalin selama 7 tahun takkan pernah ternilai. Terlalu tinggi nilainya. 
Berjuta-juta penghargaan dan terima kasih kepada semua guru yang telah mendidik kita sehingga kita berada di tahap kejayaan kita sekarang. Terutamanya Cikgu Noor Hafizah Jauhari dan Cikgu Abu Bakar Ab Wahab. Jasa-jasa semua cikgu jangan sesekali kita lupa. Alhamdulillah, sepanjang kita berada di MRSM Terendak selama 5 tahun, pelbagai kejayaan telah kita kecapi bersama. Tidak kira lah sama ada kejayaan itu kecil ataupun besar, yang penting kita telah lakukan yang terbaik. Apa-apa pun, selamat berjaya kepada semua sahabat dan terima kasih yang tak terhingga atas segala kenangan dan persahabatan ini. Semoga ukhwah yang terjalin ini sentiasa memperoleh keberkatan-Nya dan kekal hingga ke syurga. 

Okay done with pictures. Hihi. Ini je koleksi yang ada. Sorry sebab tak semua orang ada dalam gambar -gambar ni. Sorry jugak sebab ada amek gambar2 ni kat Facebook. Alaa bukan nak buat jahat pun. Nak update kat blog je. Ehehehe.

Whatever it is, all the best to all of you. 
Jangan pernah stop kira anniversary batch.
Jaga diri, jaga hati, jaga iman ye kawan-kawan.
Insya Allah, kita berjumpa suatu hari nanti.
Reunion reunion reunion :)


11 Feb 2013


Tiga puluh ribu seratus tiga belas.
Thirty thousands hundreds thirteen.
Tiga kosong satu satu tiga.

Farewell people :) 
I'm no longer a citizen there.
A place that give me so much kind of memories.
Wherever I go, I will remember you.
I do appreciate you.
You gave me too many precious moments.

Thank you thank you thank you.
I'm leaving with smile.
No more cries no more regrets no more upset.
Perhaps, will meet again.
I will be there for my awesome buddies there.

My soulmate will be there, soon.
I will be there. My soul will be there.
Take a good care of my soulmate. 
Please don't put much pressure on my soulmate.
Let's my soulmate enjoys the last moments at there.

For my buddies, all the best to all of you. 
You guys did very well till now and keep it up till last day.
Allah always be with all of you.
May His blessings, His power be with all of you.
I'm not being there anymore but my memories keep staying there with all of you.

All the best people :)
Much much much and more loves to all of you ;)

Selamat tinggal
Au revoir

18 Jan 2013

ASMS Turns 20 :)

Assalamualaikum and hello everyoneeee :)

Today is 18th January 2013. Means that 5 months from now I will turn to 20. Ehehehe. Muda lagi kannn. But for this entry, it's not about my age, birthday and so on.

Back to the topic. Today, one of my bestfriend dunia dan akhirat dah genap 20 years old. Guessed who? Ahaa..

Being friends with since we're in secondary school. For me, she's an easy-going person. Talkative, friendly, nice, sweet, pretty, childish but quarter of maturity, caring, genius and so so so on lah bak kata Madam Sabariah. Oppssss !

She has a nickname. Nak tahu ke? If you all really wanna know, tengok gambar dia kat bawah ni betul2. The clue is dekat dengan dahi and mata. Kihkihkih.

Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to Anis Syafiqah
Happy birthday to you......

Anis Syafiqah bt Md. Said

Darlingggggggg ! Happy birthday to youuuuuuuu ! Dah genap 20 tahun dah kannnn. May Allah bless you always. Semoga sentiasa dipermudahkan segalanya. Semoga sentiasa dimurahkan rezeki, dilanjutkan usia, dan sentias mendapat rahmat keberkatan dari-Nya.

Thanks for always be there for me. Thanks for all the memories we created. Remember that, our friendship till jannah. Insya Allah. Keep praying that we will meet at jannah. I love youuuuuuuu :*

Rindu zaman kurus :P

Annual Dinner :D

Okay dear, nak present ke ? Kau kena bagi eyeshadow as present. Nak yang natural punya. Kahkahkah. You must know that I love you babe. Dah anggap sayang macam akak sendiri dah. :P
Take care my dear dekat London tuuu. Next year dah nak pindah negara lain lagi. Kehkehkeh. 

Happy birthday again my dear. All the best in your life. *tutup mata sikittttt :P*

15 Jan 2013

Welcome to Twenty, Rafiqah :)

Assalamualaikum and hello everyone :)

Happy birthday to you, 
happy birthday to you, 
happy birthday to Rafiqah, 
happy birthday to you !

Sanah helwah Rafiqah ! May Allah bless you always :)
Semoga sentiasa dipermudahkan segalanya oleh Allah, Insya Allah...
Semoga sentiasa dimurahkan rezeki, tercapainya cita-cita...
Semoga diketemukan jodoh. Ihikss

Nurul Rafiqah :)

Purple Lady :)

Our first met ;)

You already 20 my dear. Besar dah dia. Hahaha.
Perangai pun kena besar jugak lah gitu.
Rohani pun kena besar, I mean kuat.
Tapi fizikal jangan lah besar. Hahahaha :P

Anyway, happy birthday again my dear ex-roommate :) 
Thanks for everything. Thanks a lotsssssss.
You are a good listener, good friend and always the best :)
Enjoy your life sweety ;)

14 Jan 2013

Hello New Roomy :)

Assalamualaikum and hello everyone :)

Cik Mun :)
*saja tak bagi nampak full muka. kih3*

Today 14th January 2013, I got a new roommate. Haaa yelah, dekat sini satu bilik 2 orang. Hihihi. Usually call her as Cik Mun. Nasib lah sekepala dengan dia. Hahaha...

Btw, Alhamdulillah for this time being. Almost complete jugak lah dalam bilik ni semuanya. Apa yang complete ? Haaa meh jemput datang bilik. Ladies only ! :P

So Cik Mun, selamat menjadi roommate yang baru :) Let's rock the room ! *hambar nya :/* Maybe sementara waktu. I will appreciate this short time being your roommate. Eheheeeee

pssttt.. Cik Mun tak tahu pun I ada blog apatah lagi update pasal dia ni. Kihkihkih :P

Sebelas Januari bertemu :)

 Assalamualaikum and hello everyone :) May Allah bless all of us, Insya Allah.  Alhamdulillah for everything.

So for this update, I wanna say Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah sebab setelah 2 tahun tak bersua muka, bergelak ketawa, berloyar cantek dan berhuha huha, at last on 11th January 2013 genaplah umur Datuk Siti Nurhaliza yang ke-34 bertemulah Cik Syeda Cantek dengan Teacher Hawa. Hik3 !

Last minute planning always the best ! Last minute study ? Hmmmm...

Memandangkan Hawa takde kelas on Jumaat penghulu segala hari, then bertemulah 6 mata (Hawa 4 Syeda 2) dekat JJ Seremban 2. Kalau jumpa dekat Seremban lah namanya, mano jo lah laie nak poieeee. Adessss !

To the food court I go ! Hawa and her friends tunggu dekat situ. Last2 aku berjaya culik Hawa ! Sorry kawan2 Hawa :) Pusing pusing Jusco tu sampai pening. Sorry Hawa sebab aku bawak kau window shopping je. Kalau by the time aku ada cash RM1k aku belanja kau dah. Kau cakap je apa kau nak. Serious talk ! Hahaha *mampuih den*

Asyik pusing-pusing je, so ayuh chill kan diri, otak, kaki dan sebagainya. Ber bowling bowling-an lah jawabnya. Alang-alang takde orang kecuali romantic hubby and wifey yang main sampai 4 game tu, both of us pun apa lagi. Nak jugk tunjuk skill main bowling yang tersembunyi ni. Setahun lebih tak sentuh bowling :'(

Teacher Hawa mengganas ! Ahaa

 Ni orang lidi mana sesat tah :P

1st game ! Teka laa which one is Hawa and Syeda :P

2nd game ! Ehemmmm 

Cukup lah dua game. Memang laa practice makes perfect. Tapi next time maybe ? Heee... After bowling, Hawa ajak masuk photobooth. Yang ni epic failed sikit. Sebab bahasa Jepun yang dekat screen tu melampau sangat tatabahasa nya. Tengah tunggu Hawa scan pic je ni. 

Lambat sangat nak cuci gambar nye, meh snap  jap .

Tak tahu dah mana nak pergi. Ke Terminal One shopping Centre lah gamaknya. Hawa pun dah bertahun tak jejak sini. So, situ pun dah suram sikit. Almaklum laa penuh dengan orang yang jarang2 kita nampak *memang laa jarang2 nampak* Perut dah lapar keluar macam2 bunyi. Nak makan kat mana je? Then we chose makan kat Kopitiam je la. Malas nak amek gambar food, sebab dah lapar sangat aihh :/

Cik Hawa :)
*Trend 2013. Tutup mata time amek gambar. Hahaha.

                                     Cik Syeda Cantek :)
Gendang gendut tali kecapi kenyang perut Alhamdulillah suka hati. Dah petang sangat dah so nak hantar Hawa ke Labu Johnson (LBJ) kesayangan dia tu. Sepanjang jumpa, always LBJ meniti di bibir. Hahahaha. Nak balik ni Hawa cakap ikut Jalan Labu, jalan lama. So aku pun tak tahu kat mana tempat dia sebab tempat tu baru. Jijan pun dia tak pernah lupa menyebut. Hahaha. Aku ikut je Hawa cakap arah2 ke mana. Tapi aku pelik dah. Dia cakap kat Bandar Enstek tapi depan LBJ tu laa. Acano tu? Dalam hati comel ni, 'bila nya nak sampai kampus kau ni Hawa oiiiiiii'. Dah mula rasa pelik sebab rasa macam nak ke Seremban balik. But then, dia suruh masuk simpang yang nak ke TKC punya bangunan baru yang masuk dalam Majalah 3 tuuuuuuu...

Wahai Cik Hawa, you know what kau dah biarkan aku drive kereta yang memuatkan kita berdua pusing-pusing negeri. Kalau lah aku tahu kampus kau kat situ, dalam 30 minit je dah sampai kalau aku ikut jalan kat Bandar Sendayan tuuuuuuu.. Ni amek masa sejam lebih ikut pusing-pusing negeri. Nak marah tak jadi sebab kelakar bila ingat balik gaya kau tunjuk2 jalan tu. Kahkahkahkah. Dari Labu ke Nilai dan ke Labu semula. Hahahaha. Takpelah dimaafkan. Sebab kau baru lagi kat situ. Nanti explore lagi tau.

Konklusinya, thanks Hawa for spent those little time with me. Akhirnya terlepas rindu jugakkkkk ! Sorry if ada yang terkurang. Sorry if aku drive aku terlanggar lubang then kau melambung dalam kereta ke apa ke. Hahaha. Okay aku dah mengarut ! If wanna express how happy I am thru this entry, it's never enough. Only Allah knows how extremely happy I am. Mak aku pesan, nanti ada masa free datang-datang ke Jelebu. hihihi. Next time we meet up again, Insya Allah. Love youuuuuuu Hawa :*