Today is 18th January 2013. Means that 5 months from now I will turn to 20. Ehehehe. Muda lagi kannn. But for this entry, it's not about my age, birthday and so on.
Back to the topic. Today, one of my bestfriend dunia dan akhirat dah genap 20 years old. Guessed who? Ahaa..
Being friends with since we're in secondary school. For me, she's an easy-going person. Talkative, friendly, nice, sweet, pretty, childish but quarter of maturity, caring, genius and so so so on lah bak kata Madam Sabariah. Oppssss !
She has a nickname. Nak tahu ke? If you all really wanna know, tengok gambar dia kat bawah ni betul2. The clue is dekat dengan dahi and mata. Kihkihkih.
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to Anis Syafiqah
Happy birthday to you......
Anis Syafiqah bt Md. Said |
Darlingggggggg ! Happy birthday to youuuuuuuu ! Dah genap 20 tahun dah kannnn. May Allah bless you always. Semoga sentiasa dipermudahkan segalanya. Semoga sentiasa dimurahkan rezeki, dilanjutkan usia, dan sentias mendapat rahmat keberkatan dari-Nya.
Thanks for always be there for me. Thanks for all the memories we created. Remember that, our friendship till jannah. Insya Allah. Keep praying that we will meet at jannah. I love youuuuuuuu :*
Rindu zaman kurus :P |
Annual Dinner :D |
Okay dear, nak present ke ? Kau kena bagi eyeshadow as present. Nak yang natural punya. Kahkahkah. You must know that I love you babe. Dah anggap sayang macam akak sendiri dah. :P
Take care my dear dekat London tuuu. Next year dah nak pindah negara lain lagi. Kehkehkeh.
Happy birthday again my dear. All the best in your life. *tutup mata sikittttt :P*
Thanks a lot syeda for this beautiful entry ! Serious aku SUKA SANGAT :D terharu bila baca. I loveeeeeeeee you more darling :')